Coin-Lockers in Tokyo metro – Locations and Real-time status

Locations and Real-time status(availability) of Coin-Lockers in Tokyo metro.

Traveling Tokyo with Luggage

Tokyo is a city filled with a complex transportation network and numerous attractions. Whether you’re traveling or on business, there are times when you need to temporarily store your heavy luggage. Coin lockers are particularly useful in such situations. Tokyo’s subway stations are equipped with various sizes and types of coin lockers, making them convenient to use. However, each station has different locker locations, and checking real-time availability can be challenging.

This blog provides information on the locations and real-time availability of coin lockers at 43 major subway stations in Tokyo. With this information, I hope to make your Tokyo experience more convenient and enjoyable. By accurately identifying the locations of the lockers at each station and checking their availability in real time, you can save valuable time.

Let me guide you on how to easily find and efficiently use coin lockers within Tokyo’s complex subway system.

위로 스크롤